Papers are invited on all theoretical, practical and applied aspects of language technology, including natural language processing, computational linguistics, speech technology and neighbouring areas. Methods as machine learning/artificial intelligence. Papers can describe completed or ongoing research, as well as practical applications of language technology, and may be combined with system demonstrations.
Papers will be presented at the conference either as posters or oral presentations, according to the decision of the program committee.
Size for posters for the workshops (Nov 7): Maximum 125 cm (breadth) x 150 cm (height).
Size for posters for the main conference (Nov 8): Maximum100 cm (breadth) x 200 cm (height).
Publication policy
The conference does not publish any proceedings, but accepted contributions will be made available on this website as extended abstracts. Hence, it is possible to submit abstracts related to work that has been, or will be, published elsewhere, as long as this is compatible with the conditions of the other publication channel. Furthermore, a Special Issue of the Northern European Journal of Language Technology (NEJLT) will be dedicated to the conference. This issue will solicit full-length versions of selected papers, and will have a separate review process which will be initiated shortly after SLTC 2018 to allow feedback during the conference to be incorporated into the journal versions.
Papers are submitted as extended abstracts using the stylesheets below, and should include author names and affiliations. The traditional length of SLTC abstracts are 2 pages, but we allow abstracts of up to 4 pages including references if it benefits the presentation.
Please upload your abstract via EasyChair, using either of the style sheets below.
LaTeX: | sltc2018.tex |
sltc2018.sty | |
sltc2018.bst | |
sltc2018.pdf | | (all files in a zipped archive) | |
MS Word: | sltc2018.docx |
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 1 September 2018Extended abstract-submission deadline: 5 September 2018, 23.59 CETNotification of acceptance: 1 October 2018- Camera-ready version of abstract deadline: Tuesday 30 October 2018, 23:59 CET